All my friends know that I am big into outdoor movies, so they are often kind enough to point out articles on the topic or in this most recent case, pick up a magazine for me.
Popular Mechanics recently featured an article on how to build a backyard cinema (Link Here). For those of us who have been in the space for a bit there isn’t too much revolutionary, but if you are new you might get something out of it. The recommend the Camp Chef screen, a few different makes and models of projectors, but the sound system recommendation was a bit weird. As one might expect they encourage you to know when it will be dark enough for show time and to plan accordingly (Here is my link on how to plan showtime).
I am trying to plan out the McGregor vs. Mayweather fight, but I am not sure it will be dark enough early enough for a backyard theater showing. I suppose this is the challenge of living in the Northern latitudes that I am quickly coming to understand.
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