Name of Theater: Bonnie Doon (after the movie [easyazon_link identifier=”B00COH0PHU” locale=”US” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]The Castle[/easyazon_link])
Location: Queensland, Australia
Length of Season: All year round
How did you get started?: Researched online including then started simply with a data projector and a bed sheet using powered computer speakers for audio.
How many years have you been doing it? 7 years
Traditions: None
Audience: Usually our family of five. We have three sons 12, 10 and 8. We often have friends who stay with us for the weekend giving us say 10 – 15 people.
Favorite Events: Has definitely been New Year’s Eve. Tend to have a movie for the kids then a concert for the adults. Always well received.
Screen: Camp Chef OS-144. It looks the business, packs away sweetly, is durable and cost effective to purchase. I like that it is capable of rear projection which keeps everything behind the screen. This looks tidy and I don’t have to worry about the projector getting damaged. I also have a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00C2AHJ46″ locale=”US” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]Carls 16 x9 BOC[/easyazon_link] screen and aluminum frame. It tends to be a bit time consuming to set up and I have concerns when its windy as it is one big sail……..
Projector: Epson EB-1980WU (had it for the past 18 months) Purchased after I managed to drop my NEC projector onto a concrete floor form a height of 2 meters.
Sound System: Currently using a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00A8EVGZQ” locale=”US” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]HK Lucas Nano 300[/easyazon_link]. I had larger more powerful system previously which required a mixing deck and heavy active speakers on tripod stands. It became a bit arduous lugging them around and required too much storage space. This small system is compact and plenty powerful for the audience and environment I use it in.
Media Source: Sony Blu-ray primarily, it has a media player which I load up a pre-roll onto a USB and away we go. I also use a laptop,
occasionally a WDTV and my trusty phone for music.
Any projected upgrades: Never say never………..
Seating: I supply the seating with a range of outdoor chairs, Occasionally, people bring camping chairs and in the early days we used outdoor beanbags for the kids.
Pest Control: I have a front gate so only friends allowed, no pests. We don’t get mosquitoes that can’t be controlled with a dab of repellent.
Food: The best type of guests bring food and drink, but I’m always pleased when I invite friends to provide popcorn and ice cream for the kids and a plethora of adult beverages for the adults
Lighting: Moonlight
Have you ever done any cool party ideas? I have incorporated outdoor cinema into all my kids parties over the years.
What do you love most about Backyard Movies/Outdoor Theaters? I really like that it appeals to such a broad spectrum of people. To sit outside in a comfortable chair watching a great movie and being able to glance upwards and see a sky full of stars while enjoying the company of family and friends……what’s not to like about that?
What advice would you give someone who is just getting started? Stop procrastinating and do it. It is a fantastic hobby and there is an abundance of information and people to help you get the right gear.
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