I know my posts have tapered off in frequency and there hasn’t been much material posted in the last few months. Just in case anyone was concerned, I am happy to report that there is a good reason for that, my family and I relocated from Hawaii back to the mainland to the inland Pacific Northwest. It taken weeks to find a place to live, get all of our stuff, start the new job, etc. Needless to say I haven’t been in a position to host any outside movies.
This is a beautiful area and we are only now getting an opportunity to explore it. One thing that I have discovered is that the days are MUCH longer this far north than they were in Hawaii. In fact as I write this it is still daylight outside, despite being 8pm. This means much later start times, as summer comes to a close, I think we will be able to show movies at a much more reasonable time. Of course, it is a little cooler here as well and I am going to have to explore options for keeping warm.
I expect the blog largely to be the same, but there might be a little more about “Indoor” entertaining too. I am looking at ways I can take my outside theater stuff into the garage so we can keep the party going throughout the winter. I am excited about exploring new beers, new BBQ flavors, techniques, etc.
My family did experience a loss, my faithful Kamado grill did not survive the move…it will be missed. I am hoping for a speedy resolution with the movers so I can find her replacement.
I want to close by saying thank you for being patient these last few months and in the coming months as I get the site back up to speed.
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