BBQ Resources

The Grub Zone – This is my latest discovery, but the site is continuing to grow.  Karson does a great job of covering some of the basics for the backyard pitmaster.  As a Wildland Firefighter, this guys knows smoke and flames!

BBQ Brethren – This is one of the largest BBQ forums on the net, with tons of participants ranging from beginners to experts, to include those competing on the circuit cooking on every kind of device imaginable.

Kamado Guru  – This forum is a bit smaller, but specializes in all things Kamado, which are usually ceramic cookers like the Big Green Egg or Primo.  This is a welcoming community with a strong passion for this dynamic cooker.  I spend a lot of time here.

Lets Talk BBQ – This community is also a little but smaller, but is very diverse.  This forum has active sub-forums on topics like Pizza Ovens and Sous Vide that are not readily available in other communities.

Virtual Weber Bullet – This website is centered around the Weber Smokey Mountain, a versatile bullet style smoker that yields amazing results without having to spend a lot of money.  Henry Soo used these smokers on the KCBS circuit.

Pelletheads – This forum is focused on wood pellet fed smokers and grills like the Traeger.  It doesn’t seem like it has been as active as of late, but there is a ton of knowledge archived within it’s pages.

Amazing Ribs – This website is operated by Meathead Goldwyn, who has used it to build an impressive brand.  The site has a lot of resources that can be tapped utilized.

Food & Fire – This is a small BBQ blog run by a guy with a Kamado.  He specializes in gluten free cooking, I like that he is an amateur running a website just like me.   I have used his recipes before.

Egghead Forum – This is a robust forum focused on Kamado style cooking on the Big Green Egg.  As one might expect, there are a lot of fanboys on this forum, but there is a lot of excellent food.  This is also the best site for in depth discussion of the Big Green Egg.

Smoking-Meat – This site is one I only recently discovered.  There is a lot of great information here, in particular I recommend the Smoking Times and Temperature chart.

Dad Cooks Dinner – This is a resource I have turned to on multiple occasions since getting my Joetisserie.  Mike has a ton of contact and definitely knows his was around a rotisserie.