ng to want to put some thought into whether or not you want to show this film in the Backyard. If you live in tight quarters and you think others will be able to watch, this probably isn’t the best pick. But if you are one of the lucky few that has the space and privacy to show the film without concern for offending others go for it!
The movie is about a superhero that isn’t very mainstream and most will not have heard of. It drops you right into the story already in progress, then works itself backwards in time to get the viewer caught up with what is going on. While this has been done many times before, it works particularly well here. I wish a little more “origin story” had been provided, but the upside is at no point did the movie ever feel like it was lagging. Which I think occurs a lot in “origin stories” as the audience waits for the action we know is coming. We had a group of 5 last night ranging from 19 to 50, both men and women, and we all enjoyed the movie. My wife doesn’t really enjoy the superhero genre, but admitted she enjoyed this film. Much of the humor is juvenile, but it works with the character and there is enough really witty humor to keep you coming back for more. I definitely recommend you give this film a chance.