I love weekend for many reasons, but one of them is having the time to play around with the kamado. I had some beef ribs in the freezer that I had been meaning to cook for some time and I decided beats would be a perfect side! Whole Foods had beets on sale and I was able to get 3 baseball sized beets for about $4. I found this method of preparation on the Kamado Guru forum.
Chop the tops and bottoms off of the beet.
Place it on aluminum foil cover, cover in olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add one clove of garlic and a sprig of rosemary. Seal up the package and place it on the grill.
I wanted to smoke the ribs, so I had the kamado setup for indirect heat. The recommendation on the forum was to cook the beats at around 375 -400 deggrees for an hour, rotating once. Since I was trying to cook low and slow I had the tip-top-temp on the kamado dialed in for 300 degrees. I ended up cooking them for about 2.5 hours at 300 degrees.
As you can see, they came out nicely cooked. I didn’t even peel them, I just sliced and plated them. I like to eat them with a smear of goat cheese with fresh basil sprinkled over the top.