I am a huge fan of Amazon and if they starting offering same day delivery with drones, I am afraid my spending will go through the roof! Next to my IRA, I feel like my Amazon prime membership is the best return I get on money.
In the past I didn’t buy new movies, it didn’t feel like a very good investment, since I knew they would soon be on HBO or Netflix. This changed when I got into backyard movies. I rationalized it this way, I could entertain 8-10 people for a $30 investment, which was far cheaper than the $12-13 per person I would pay at the theater. Renting the film would be a better option, but I have a 3D movie addiction now, and you can’t rent 3D movies from Redbox.
Just because I am willing to buy the movie doesn’t mean I want to pay too much. That is why I was excited to discover Amazon’s preorder program. When you preorder a movie from Amazon, if at any time between when you order the movie and it ships, the price drops, Amazon refunds you the difference. This program incentivizes you to order the movie as soon as possible, in many cases you can preorder it as soon as it hits the theaters. I have benefited from this policy time and time again. For example, I got [easyazon_link identifier=”B00XQ141W8″ locale=”US” tag=”backyardmov05-20″ cart=”n”]Mad Max[/easyazon_link] on Blu-Ray, in 3D, the week of release for less than an Andrew Jackson! When movies get close to being released, there is always a price war, but who has time to track the release dates of movies? With this program, you know are covered, the reimbursement has been automatic and I have never had to request it.
[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B01HC388RO” locale=”US” localize=”y” src=”http://www.backyardmovies.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/51aYNBCAuQL-1.jpg” tag=”backyardmov05-20″ width=”416″]
Living in Hawaii has many perks, but one of the downsides is that we are far. That means two-day shipping means 4-7 days business days here. Amazon’s record has been a bit spotty when it comes to shipping. When I order something 3 months in advance, I expect it to be shipped early enough to arrive at my house on the release date. I have had a few instance where the release came and went and my movie still hasn’t shipped….Amazon citing the 4-7 days for delivery. So the program isn’t perfect, but when it works it is awesome. There have been a few times when their failure to ship almost ruin a planned event, a brief call to Customer Service has often yielded satisfactory results. I suspect this won’t be a problem for most people on the mainland, especially since many metro areas have same day pickup.
If you are planning on showing the most up to date movies at your events, it would behoove you to take advantage of this program.
The following recent releases are available for Pre-Order:
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[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”y” identifier=”B01IS31RMK” locale=”US” localize=”y” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]
[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”y” identifier=”B01H4FJR5W” locale=”US” localize=”y” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]
[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”y” identifier=”B01FJ4UGF0″ locale=”US” localize=”y” tag=”backyardmov05-20″][easyazon_infoblock align=”none” cart=”y” identifier=”B01I5JT9L8″ locale=”US” localize=”y” tag=”backyardmov05-20″]
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