Bottom Line: Your sous vide is the perfect way to reheat prime rib!
Cooking prime rib has become a holiday tradition in my household, I find a larger cut of meat is a little easier to cook properly, so there are always a lot of leftovers. I like my prime rib medium rare to medium, trying not to overcook the meat when reheating is a challenge. In the past I would do a quick pan sear or place the whole roast in an oven, but again this often led to overcooked/dry meat. The single best way I have found to reheat prime rib is with sous vide.
Sous vide is French for “Under Vacuum”. In the simplest terms, it is a method of cooking using carefully controlled hot
water baths. The amount of control this method of cooking offers has made it very popular in commercial kitchens, it allows you to cook large amounts of meat at a specific doneness, without the risk of overcooking. Using sous vide I have been able to cook short ribs for 72 hours, while ensuring they were never more done than medium rare.
How I do it:
1) I slice my prime rib into slices and then place them into a vacuum sealed pouch.
2) I set my sous vide to approximately 140-145 Fahrenheit (the approximate temp for Medium Rare)
3) Submerge pouch with meat and cook for 1-1.5 hours
The end result:
If all has gone to plan you will open the pouch to find meat no more done than when you began reheating
it, but with an internal temp of ~140-145 F and just as moist as the first time you had it. Because you are cooking it in the sealed pouch, you limit the escape of moisture from the meat. I find an hour or so is enough time to get the meat back up to temp, but the nice thing about sous vide is you can leave the pouch in the water for several hours without any concerns.
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